process starts once you are facing any unanswered question. These
questions may cause confusion, anxiety, anger, or surprise you for something..
All such conditions of human behaviour are resolved by finding the answers to
these questions, which invites researchers to follow formal procedure to
investigate the case and bring out facts and underlying reasons:
For example,
you might notice on any day during week an unusual turnover of customers in the
store. This observation will create a research question in your mind.
“Why number of
customers is high in store today”
question will set an objective for doing research.
your though process will start working and display out a list of possible
answers for your question. These answers are based on your existing level of
They might be
like this:
Due to national holiday today number of
customers is high in store.
Due to first week of the month number of
customers is high in store.
Due to sunny day today number of customers are
high in store
Customer’s turnover is high because store has
announced discounts on FM radio for some items.
Government has initiated mega road construction
project which has caused inconvenience to majority of residents to reach to
other stores. That’s why people prefer this store for their day to day shopping
due to only convenient option left for them.
These possible
answers are called Hypotheses.
If nature of
question is ordinary and you are not concerned with the accuracy of the answers
of the research question then you may choose any one of the above possible
hypothesis as best reason to your question.
Up till this
point every human being is applying research method every next moment in his
life. Researchers or academicians or scientists move further to satisfy their
intellectual zeal. They also need application of research method till further
steps because their credibility is at stake. Any misinterpretation can cause
damage to their reputation.
process consists of following steps:
1. Clarity of the research question:
First step is to rephrase the
research question. Rephrasing means trimming the statement for research. We
cannot start research unless we are not clear about the objective. And we also
cannot do research on many directions. If we are facing problem of frequent
electricity failure in our town, we can find number of possible reasons
immediately. Each reason leads to a separate research. We may develop a
research question that, “is this electricity failure due to heavy storm and
rain outside”. Likewise another research question can be developed as, “what
makes electricity supply so vulnerable to the climate?” and so on. Notice
that in each question research objective is clearly identified. Uni-directional
questions are always preference of the researchers. Clearly defining
research problem or research question is a pre-requisite of next step in
research process. Uni-directional doesn't mean single answer. These may have
more than one possible reason for that situation. That's why researchers avoid
inserting question mark? with research questions.
2. Preliminary investigation to list
possible answers to the research question.
Once research question is clearly
defined, we move to second step in research process. In this step we explore
further the situation and try to find immediate answers. These answers can be
sought by using our wisdom, or by taking opinions from others, or by dipping
into the available literature in libraries manuals, or internet. Formally we
use the terms Literature Review and Interviews for this step. Literature review
helps us to know previously conducted research on same or similar situation. By
applying our wisdom, conducting interviews, and reviewing literature can help
us to reach best possible answers to our research question. The main purpose in this step is to
identify all possible factors which may cause that situation which is under
investigation. Without identifying these factors or variables we are
unable to move to next step in research process.
3: Development of relationship among
Third step in research process is to
classify all factors or variables which are involved in the situation. These
variables can be classified as dependent variable(objective variable),
independent variables(factors or causes of the phenomenon), connecting variables(which
intervene among relationship and their interdependence), and sensitivity variables(which
define the strength of relationship between two connecting variables). For
example, in our research question “what makes electricity supply so vulnerable
to the climate?” following variables can be identified:
Dependent variable: Failure of electricity
Independent variables: Strom and rain
Connecting variables: Availability of electricity supply system, etc
Sensitivity variables: Quality of cables, Disaster management
system, etc
Sometimes lurking
or confounding variables are also important to identify. They are hidden
factors and not apparently appeared. But their presence can affect the
relationship between dependent and independent variables. For example, in above
case the corruption on the part of technical staff may cause the
situation. Then variable “corruption on the part of technical staff” is a
confounding variable.
Correctness and
coverage of all possible variables depend on the rigor research puts into the
second step. Step 3 provides a solid theoretical foundation to the research
problem. This theoretical frame work will pave the way for further development
in research process.
4. Developing Hypothesis
Hypothesis are the possible answers
to the research questions on which researcher has reached after going through
step no 2 and 3. These are wisely driven non-verified conclusions coming out of
the mind of researcher as possible answers. For example one hypothesis can be
framed as “Failure of electricity is due to poor quality of cables in the
town”. Similarly researcher can frame other hypotheses for one research
Notice that in
our day to day life all human are going through the process explained in first
four steps above. They take decision by selecting best possible reason out of
the hypothesis they have framed based on preliminary investigation. They become
professional scientist or researcher when they further investigate for the
truth of the hypothesis so that they can interpret it according to current
knowledge level prevailing in the society.
5. Research Design
This is most
technical part assumed in research methodology. Selection of right design
requires an overall experience of the researcher. Most of the time students are
referred to their supervisors for specific advice. I also observe that majority
of students are not comfortable when they reach to this step in research
process, and they need external support to seek through guidelines to proceed
with the research process. Research design is basically a program of
investigation. There are more than one programs or design. Each design complete
different objective.
If you are
doing research on any phenomenon which is quite new to the society, then you
need Exploratory Research Design (ERD) technique. Which mostly
apply surveys, interviews and primary data collection tools for getting right
answer to research question? We should not confuse exploratory research design
as a process involved in step 2. Here literature is not sufficiently available
to help researcher on the subject. I remember that doing research on Knowledge
management about ten years back was a daunting task, but now researchers are
able to find some good material on that.
If objective is
to develop a profile of the variables or factors engaged in the research, then Descriptive
Research Design (DRD) technique is the appropriate model. For example,
If our research question is “what make Toyota market leader in car industry”,
then we may require in depth analysis of the factors involved in the production
process and their overall business strategies. We need DRD.
If researcher
is interested in studying the
relationship among variables then Relational Research Design(RRD)
techniques is appropriate. RRD helps
researcher to develop a relation between variables and to understand the degree
of causal relationship among different variables in the research. By causal
relationship we mean functional relationship among variables. Causal
relationship also indicates the presence of cause-effect among variables. For
example, if hypothesis is that, “electricity failure is due to poor quality of
cables”, then in order to study the cause and effect relationship between
quality of cable and electricity failure, RRD is appropriate.
researchers may adopt bench marking to reach their objectives. For example, in
business research, one organization may try to understand the model set by her
competitor in the market. In that situation The Case Study Research Design (CSRD)
technique is advised. One should not confuse case study with the descriptive
research design. Case study is the overall analysis of the organization or
situation, whereas in descriptive research design one may be interested in some
of few variables.
The above
mentioned research designs are also set hierarchy. That is researcher may have
gone through ERD, DRD, RRD, and CSRD to complete his research.
classification is based on the objective of the study. Besides above
classification researchers also take care of some other factors in choosing
right research design. If researcher can control the situation or have some
capability to intervene the relationship then Experimental Research Design
technique is appropriate. For example in Relational Research Design if
researcher can control independent variable in some artificial environment, then
he can generate outputs according to his desire. Later by comparing two outcomes
(intervened and non- intervened) can be compared. Like teacher can compare two
teaching methods, one group which is taught using internet and one which is
taught using text book.
Many times
field study is appropriate because research has very less control on the
situation then data is collected on the basis of available facts. For example
opinion polls are done without researcher intervene. Field study is normal executed on exploratory
or descriptive research design.
Likewise units
of analysis are also important in selecting research design. Unit of analysis
can be individual (group) or more than one group. For individual group one can
opt for exploratory or descriptive research design. For more than one group
relational research design can be appropriate. Likewise researchers also take
care whether research is inter-temporal (on time scale), or cross-sectional (time
is assumed constant). For example one may need to study the growth over a
certain period of time. Or one may need to observe future affects of some
treatment applied now on the cases. This is called longitudinal or inters
temporal study. In other case researcher may need to compare two groups during
same period of time. This called cross sectional study.
In brief, it is
very difficult to draw hard and fast rule about type of research design.
Researcher may move from one research design to other to reach his objective.
The researcher rigor in this case will set the value of research outcomes.
6. Data collection
Next step is
the data collection. This is again a technical issue in research process. Mostly
statisticians are involved from step 5 to step 7 during research process. They
help researcher to determine appropriate sample size, and the way to collect
date. Data or information is collected through interviews or through
questionnaires. This data may be classified as quantitative or most of the time
it is qualitative. Statisticians help researcher in operationalization of the
variables in step 4 during the selection and defining of variables.
Operationalization means converting variable into some measureable phenomenon.
For example, if our variable is “Quality of capable ” then variable “quality”
should be measured through cable specification or material or weight per meter
etc. By operationalizing the variables researcher is able to tap qualitative
features in some measureable quantitative scale. Likewise student’s
intelligence can be tapped through his number of correct answers in any Quiz
designed for the purpose. Here I would advise young researchers to learn basic
difference between different measurement scales. I will cover further
technicalities involved in some exclusive topic on data collection.
I always advise
my students to associate yourself with statistician right at from step 1. It is
always helpful and save lot of energy, time and other resources of researcher. By
statistician I mean an individual who has experience as applied statistician.
Sometimes a person with good theoretical base, but with little research
experience causes confusions in minds of students. Almost in every university
there are valuable resources available as applied or research statisticians.
They can advise and help students through statistical software like SPSS, SAS,
R, Minitab, Microsoft Excel, Magastat etc.
7. Data Analysis
Data analysis
is the output of the research design program. The data collected in step 6 is
understood, and explained according to the objective of the research
hypothesis. Statisticians prepare a reliable report based on collected data.
Reliability of the report covers following areas:
Has the data been collected from right source?b. Is data capable to tap desired information?
c. Is the data capable to answer research question?
d. Has researcher applied appropriate method to collect data?
e. Is data complete and sufficient?
f. Is the outcome unbiased?
g. Is the hypothesis significant?
h. Inference based on data.
i. Answering research question
8. Conclusion
Outcomes of
data analysis help researcher to write conclusion of the research question.
The above
mentioned steps are written with care to avoid technical language.
(Author: Muhammad Azeem)
(Author: Muhammad Azeem)